
**You can skip to end of this post if you want to hear about the rest of my day. :)
Ok, I warned you.

During dinner, Mathilde and I spent dinner talking about french slang and swearwords (les gros mots). I thought I'd share a few with you.

Racaille= hustla/gangsta

Je dois pisser= I have to piss

Putain= whore; most people use it like damn, shit, or fuck

Merde= shit (You probably figured this one out already)

Je m'en fou= I don't give a fuck

Va te faire foutre!= Fuck off!

Conasse, con= cunt; most people use it like ass

Bâtard= bastard

Salope= bitch

Tais-toi!= Shut up!

Ta Gueule!= Shut the fuck up!

I still have the hardest time pronouncing "phoque". (A seal= une phoque in french.) Everyone here swears in english to be honest. So I need I learn to pronounce "phoque" right as everyone uses "fuck" to swear. It's hilarious when my teachers swear in english. They will have dropped some chalk and they'll casually say, "fucking shit" (which is more like "fooking sheeet" with a strong french accent) while picking it the piece of chalk. I don't think most teachers say this, but I have had this happen in at least four times already this year.

**Anyway, after dinner we watched "High School Musical 2". I had never seen it before. It was great it french! The songs weren't dubbed but there were subtitles. Except for the subtitles wasn't the direct translation or an even slightly close translation of lyrics sometimes. My sister's know the movies by heart. They adore the High School Musical movies. My sisters got most of their information about high schools in the United States from this movie so when I first came here they asked me all about high school using references from High School Musical.


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