L'acrosport final

We had do our acrosport final for the BAC! 
 Our acrosport group: Elodie, Marjorie, Olof, and moi 
Elodie, Marjorie, Moi, Olof, et Anaïs 
(Anaïs wasn't apart of our acrosport group, she just joined for the photo :)
I have been crying/laughing for the past half hour. This has to be the most hilariously awkward thing I've seen. Only after watching this video do I realize the awkwardness of some of the figures! 
Yeah, that's me who messes up at the beginning and the end. I think I look like the toddler every dance recital who has no idea what's going on. Oh well. I wish I was graceful, but that's never going to happen. :)
The choreography?...I'll explain. It's supposed to be a story of two people who find their reflection (or "twin") in a mirror and step through the looking glass. Once they enter the dreamlike world they do a bunch of acrobatics (...because they want to? I'm still not really sure why.) Once the clock strikes they are pulled back into their own world (reality), again separated from their "twins". At the end the music is set in reverse to show it was all just a dream. However, I'm don't know why we pound the ground at the end. Elodie and Marjorie insisted on this. Elodie and Marjorie were really the ones who organized this routine so they get the credit. I think Olof and I were just lost exchange students they had to deal with!
I had a fantastic time. It's great because my scores don't really count. I only have to pass my classes so it doesn't make a difference if I doing excellent or barely pass. So I didn't feel stressed out about this final.  Everyone was stressing out about this final. It was kinda funny to see people stress out about acrosport because it seems such a trivial thing to freak out about. I had such a great time in acrosport. I wish we could continue...Our next Phy. Ed adventure? Badminton!


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