Just adding the rest of my photos of Paris...

Me and my pal

The view from inside the Louvre

Louis insisted I take this picture.

Sacre Cœur

 Sacre Cœur
 The view from the steps of Sacre Cœur
The view from Montmartre

A mime...in front of a café...in Paris. The stereotype isn't totally false...

Moulin Rouge!

This picture is probably the most complete opposite example of sexy in front of the Moulin Rouge. Haha

La Tour Eiffel!

Louis- Il est très fort!

Elise and Louis
Elise, Me,  and Mathilde
View of Paris from the 1st story of the Eiffel Tower
Inside the Eiffel Tower (1st Story)
That weird metal eye looking thing next to me is actually just a cover for a TV screen. I was a little disappointed that it wasn't a robot. 
Eiffel Tower

Walking up all 685 steps to the second story
The sky cleared up. The view was magnificent!

Candid shot: Looking off into the distance...
I'm thinking of you America! 
*Note the mini statue of Liberty at the end of the island, **Ouest=West
You could even see Arc de Triomphe...when you used full zoom on your camera.
The beautiful Seine
How many pictures can someone take of me by the Eiffel Tower?
A lot.

C'est moi!
Gilles and Louis 
 Sacre Cœur and the rest of Monmartre
 The Seine
 The Eiffel Tower...again!
Best lunch ever! We got delicious sandwiches and relaxed in the park by the tower. 


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