J'adore mercredi!

I love Wednesdays in France!
I have two hours of class...that's it! Every Wednesday you don't have school in the afternoon. It's makes the weeks go by so much faster.
I had Philosophy this morning. I actually understood about half what was going on. (That's an accomplishment for me!) Before break we watched in "Inception" in class. I had never seen the movie before this seeing it in France. We watched it in english with french subtitles. Which normally I would be excited about but it the sound was funky and so the background music was louder than the voices. In the end, I had to read the french subtitles in order to understand what was going on. It was an adventure trying to understand Inception in french! It's been even more of an adventure trying to understand our philosophic discussions about Inception and the true meaning of reality.
Olof pondering the true meaning of Inception in Philosophy class.

Me, Agnès, and Manon 

Overall school is going really well. My scores have improved from 3 out of 20's to 6 out of 20's! Yahoo! :) The grading system is different here. For example, if a test is out of 20 a good score in 10 or more. An excellent score is 14 or more. Depending on the subject, almost no one ever receives over 18. 20's are pretty much unheard of. I don't even receive good grades in English class! Whoops. :)
Enough about school though. After class today I went to the supermarché with Olof.
So much Orangina! 

France is already getting excited about Christmas. 

Lindt Chocolate+Champs-Élysées=Best thing ever! 

There is always alcohol at the check out. It's also pretty cheap. Although you have to be 18 in order to buy some, most places don't check. The attitude towards alcohol is a lot more relaxed here. 

Yesterday, I went to handball practice. I finally understand the rules! However, it's really annoying because the coach thinks I don't understand his instructions so he tries to explain to me in English that makes no sense. I understand the french, I just suck at handball. I am good at many things, but hand-eye coordination is not one of them (especially involving sports with balls). I try and I have a great time at handball so that's all that matters. 
At handball

I'll try and get some better pictures next time. My camera hates me and so all of my pictures came out blurry. :( Zut.
C'est tout. 


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